Stimulate your personal quantum leap and live in harmony with yourself

Sun of art paintings innovatively connect the work of art with the energy of well-being

Urška Lan uses colors to record the vibration of higher consciousness on canvas.

The unique philosophy that speaks to us through glowing images is the result of the author’s personal growth and exceptional capacity for a special flow of light energy, the purpose of which is not only to create artistic elements of energy paintings, but to help a person to achieve inner stability and personal peace through the therapeutic process with the image powers.

Sun of art energijske slike
Created for personal growth and success

Energy paintings

Everything that comes our way has a purpose! Look at the catalog of Sun of art energy paintings and try to feel them. When establishing a genuine relationship with the painting, we feel its revitalizing effects, its "light", strength, energy and message.

Created on the energy matrix of individuals

Paintings by order

Custom paintings are created on the energy matrix of individuals, projects, families or organizations.

Feel the energy paintings of the Sun of art

Guided tour

Looking at a painting is a kind of journey. When establishing a genuine relationship with the painting, we feel its revitalizing effects, its "light", strength, energy and message. To experience the paintings, you can arrange a free guided tour at the Karnion Holistic Center, +386 41 441 999.

Sun of art - Energijske slike

In ten years of therapeutic work with the help of paintings, I followed many lives. Their stories show that users of personal paintings can more easily feel what is good for them and what is not, and stand behind it. They have less need for personal involvement in problems and build a better relationship with themselves and others. The process provoked in them by the picture encourages them to react differently and thus to better opportunities in life.

Some testify to an extraordinary increase in intuition, the ability to communicate with the energy field opened up for them, or they began to express themselves in a way that they would never have allowed or afforded before. Others perceive the elimination of chronic problems in family relationships, reconciliation with a partner, warmer and more loving relationships. They also note that the problems with the children have disappeared for them.

Through their work, users of business paintings have noticed greater innovation, better team functioning, the departure of “unsuitable employees”, greater commitment to a common vision. The work process brought them not only ideas and support for the creation of new markets and projects, but also greater meaning in their work and thus satisfaction with their achievements and with themselves. Some users, who by their nature were already more proactive, opened up even more to a sustainable way of thinking and acting for the greater good. With the support of images, they develop new knowledge, projects that are a wonderful expression of their holistic nature. For other people, their new projects represent a new wind, a positive stimulus, fresh solutions and, above all, inspiration.

The richness of these paintings is that they help users, with their own work and the right attitude, to ennoble what is within themselves. Collaborating with pictures is compared to an inner journey that enriches you enormously when you indulge in it.

Urška Lan

Why choose Art natura?

Vsakokrat, ko namenimo del pozornosti sebi ali svojim sodelavcem se dvigne del vibracije podjetja. Kadar pa namenoma spodbujamo zdravje in dobro počutje zaposlenih, pa se podjetja razvijajo po poti razcveta in zadovoljstva vključenih.

Feng shui abstraktne slike na platnu z upodobljeno naravo, dokazano zmanjšujejo stres, ob pristnem stiku s sliko se dvignejo naše kognitivne sposobnosti, poveča se občutek sproščenosti, zbranosti in zaupanja v življenje.

V motiv Art nature so vključene energijske stenske slike Urške Lan, priznane ustvarjalke, ki že 15 let ustvarja energijske spodbude za podjetja, projekte in posameznike. Vrsto zadovoljnih strank priča o izjemnih učinkih njenih abstraktnih slik na platnu. Najdete jih na

Part of the feng shui Art natura picture is also a positive thought, which repeatedly appeals to optimism, solutions and a better attitude towards oneself and one's work. Where we put our attention, it grows. Positive thought is intended to employ the creative power of our mind and concentrate it in the chosen idea of ​​our own and the common well-being.

Art natura enlivens the space with color, brings freshness, positive character and new impetus, which is why the mentioned wall paintings are considered wonderful business gifts.

By purchasing, you support a local artist, photographer, printer, marketer, graphic designer and project manager. If we look a little wider, despite the conditions side by side, we can still create a harmonious coexistence by helping each other so that prosperity circulates on our soil.

Video corner

I invite you to watch interesting video content from workshops, guest appearances on the show, various exhibitions…

Objave v medijih

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Galerije z razstav

Vabljeni k ogledu fotoreportaž naših stalnih in samostojnih razstav…

Video corner

I invite you to watch interesting video content from workshops, guest appearances on the show, various exhibitions…