Incentives for personal growth
Zakaj moje slike pritegnejo prav računovodje?
Zakaj so moje slike privlačne za računovodje? Ker so živahne, dihajo in vas popeljejo v svoj svet. Računovodje vsak dan obvladujejo števila, a hkrati iščejo ravnotežje v svojem življenju. Moje energijske slike jim zagotavljajo notranji mir in spodbujajo ustvarjalnost ter intuicijo. Umetnost, ki jo ustvarjam, pomembno prispeva k osebni rasti in boljšim odnosom s strankami. Vabljeni, da doživite to edinstveno povezavo med umetnostjo in analitičnim delom ter odkrijete, kako lahko pozitivno vpliva na vaš poslovni uspeh!
Discover the Healing Power of Art: Exhibition at Hotel Falkensteiner Punta Scala Restor, Zadar
Experience the transformative power of art this summer at the beautiful Hotel Falkensteiner Punta Scala Restor in Zadar. From July 14th to August 11th, 2024, immerse yourself in a captivating exhibition of energy paintings that promise to awaken your inner strength and bring harmony to your life. Each painting in
Innovative energy therapy for the overworked and for everyone who is aware of the importance of regeneration
I like to turn towards Mirna, where Mr. Dežman, an enthusiast of energy innovations, lives. The Prana spa chamber is located in a room prepared for this purpose, where most of the radiation and technical smog from the environment was eliminated with a special coating and curtains. This is the